Wedding Day Timeline Tips

Wedding Day Timeline Tips

1. Consult your wedding planner or photographer.

They are immersed in the wedding industry, take advantage!!! They know how long everything takes, when the best time for everything is, and the best way to do it! They will have great ideas for you and eliminate lots of research on your end!

2. How many hours do you need?

I always tell couples to think of the last thing they want photographed and work backwards from there!  That way you can figure out how many hours your going to need to be able to fit everything in!

San Diego wedding photography at The Martin Johnson House Scipps Beach036.jpg

3. How long does everything take?

Here is a little write up for you for how long things usually take!

Getting ready photos - 1 - 1 ½ hours

Bridesmaid photos - 15 min

Groomsmen photos - 15 min

Bridal Party - 10 min

Family photos - 15-30 min (depending on how big your family is)

Couple photos - 30 min

Ceremony - 15 - 30 min (some church weddings can be up to 1 - 1 ½ hours)

Cocktail Hour - 1 hour (a lot of time you are doing all your family, bridal party and couple shots during this time)

Reception - different for everyone, but a Tip: you only need about 30 min for open dancing photos.  After that it becomes repetitive and a little sloppy.

4. Take travel time into account.

If you are going to be traveling to different locations, make sure to have ample time for that!

5. Account for all the late people

There's always that group of people who are always late! Tell everyone to be where they need to be 15-30 minutes before they ACTUALLY need to be there.  This will allow for everything to go smoothly and be on time! This also works for your guests! On your invitations, tell all your guest that the ceremony is going to begin 15 min before it actually does.  That way all your guest will be seated and ready for when you are!