Why are engagement sessions important?

Why are engagement sessions important?

Engagement sessions are my absolute favorite! Not only because they are supper fun, but this is when I really get to know you both! Of corse I’ll be getting to know you over the phone and as we communicate, but there’s something about being together in person, and I’ll tell you why!

One of the MOST important things, is that during engagement session you’re able to get to know me! Why is that so important? Well, theres a good chance that I’ll be the person you see most on your wedding day,  so making sure you’re comfortable around me before your wedding will allow me to best capture your big day. Imagine if you booked me and never met me in person, and then I show up on your wedding day with a camera following you around all day. Chances are your not going to be feeling too relaxed. I want you both to know me on a personal level, so that when I show up it’s as if your seeing an old friend and you continue to feel relaxed and go about your wedding day not holding back.

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The other important thing about engagement photos is so that I can get to know you both as a couple. I want to know how you interact, what makes you laugh, what makes you go in for that passionate kiss! All these things are so important so that when I show up on the wedding day I know how to direct you best and how to get the best pictures possible!

Because of these reasons is why I include engagement sessions in all of my wedding collections. It’s also why I do not deduct engagement sessions from them as well. It is completely complementary! Plus you get some really fun photos out of it! Win Win for everyone!