How to Deal with Wedding Stress

how to deal with wedding stress

Create a Clear To-do List and Follow a Timeline

Planning a wedding, all the details can pile up quickly and turn into a mountain way bigger than you were expecting.  Been there… it's pretty overwhelming.. Start by making a list of all the things that you need to do, including even the smallest things! Write it allllll down and then get organized. Get a planner, or a calendar and schedule it all out so that you're only doing little amounts each day.  Knowing that you only have to do one thing each day, or one thing each week makes it much less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

Consider a Wedding Planner or Delegate Tasks

A wedding planner can be a huge way of relieving stress.  It’s their job to organize, to contact vendors, to do scheduling etc.. If this is something that you're able to fit in your budget, I would highly recommend looking into a wedding planner.  If it’s not in your budget, then the big word for you is “DELEGATE”!  Chances are you have a ton of family and friends fighting at the bits wanting to help in any sort of way, so this is your chance to delegate tasks that you don’t have time for, or something you don’t want to think about doing. This will take a big burden off your shoulders.

Now at the same time, I also know that people wanting to help can be a little overbearing… This is also a time to set boundaries.  You can say things like, “Thanks for the offer, but we’ve got that covered!” or, “Thanks, that's something to think about”.


Make sure that you're taking care of yourself.  Don’t stray from your normal routine. Sleep is super important to keep stress down, so make sure that you’re still getting enough sleep.  Make sure you're getting exercise, and eating foods that will give you sustainable energy rather than empty calories.  And of course, take some bubble baths! Treat yourself! Light some candles, put some tunes on, and relax!

How to Deal with Wedding Stress

Stop Comparing and Remember Your Why

Comparing your wedding to others, or Pinterest, or Instagram can lead you down a deep dark rabbit hole that is not too fun.. There's that old saying of “There’s always going to be someone better than you”.  But good thing that weddings aren’t about being the best, or the most beautiful, or the most unique.  They’re about your marriage, becoming one, and celebrating with your loved ones.  It's so easy to get caught up in the details that we stray away from the why.  Remember the why, and all the other things don't seem as stressful.

Plan Date Nights

My favorite thing to relieve stress over weddings, is to go on date nights! Plan fun date nights with your fiancé and DON’T talk about any wedding stuff! This is your time to just have fun and not worry about the wedding.  Get back to the heart of your relationship, flirt, go on an adventure, try a new restaurant, or go to your favorite restaurant.  Just spend time together!